About the Game

The old board game classic, Monopoly, is free to play online.
Play as a guest against AI, or register an account to personalise your profile and play against friends. Buy and sell properties, charge rent and get rich. Best of all, no board and pieces to pack up when you finish!
The game is ad supported so there will be interruptions every few turns, but it doesn’t detract too much from the gameplay. There is in-game text chat available.
As the game is written in Flash, it will only be available until December 2020, when Flash reaches end-of-life.
Platforms to use:
Number of players:
What you need:
A Flash-enabled browser
How to play remotely with friends:
Make sure each of you has a separate PC with a Flash-enabled browser.
For more details on how to enable Flash in various browsers, please see this help article.
Each friend must register an account on the game website and then click the “Add a Friend” link to create a multiplayer Monopoly game.
Free / ad supported
More Info:
Pogo Games Monopoly Online website
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